Temperature conversion chart
- Please make sure you follow these instructions fully. If you have any problems with carrying out this maintenance, please contact us.
You may find different recommendations for cooking temperatures on foods and for different parts of your oven.Check for specific details on your appliance in the user manual, but the chart below will help to give you some general guidance. - 1.
Gas Mark °F Main Conventional Oven°C Top Conventional Oven°C Main Fan Oven°C ½ 250 120 110 100 1 275 140 130 120 2 300 150 140 130 3 325 160 150 140 4 350 180 170 160 5 375 190 180 170 6 400 220 190 180 7 425 220 210 200 8 450 — 220 210 9 475 — — 220