F05 — Waste pipe blockage or pump issue
- Issue: Washer dryer door will not open / the door can be opened but water remains inside the drum.
- 1. Please check for blockages in your pump filter (if applicable to model – please see user manual). Also check for any blockages in the waste water hose and in any under-sink plumbing.If none of the above solutions work, it is likely you have a pump failure and will need further assistance.For more information, see the “Cleaning the pump filter” and “Cleaning the drainage hose” topics.
You can also see our ‘How to…’ videos, including help on this topic (double-click the video to view it ‘full screen’). - If the above actions haven’t rectified your issue or you don’t feel confident to undertake them please go to our on-line repair booking page to arrange an engineer visit — https://www.domesticandgeneral.com/repairs.
If you have misplaced or lost your user manual, you can download a replacement manual (please have your model number to hand).